
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Celebration of Art 2012

We hosted our annual Celebration of Art last night at school. The event was a huge success! It was a packed house all night long.

Student art filled the auditorium and the windows, doors, and display panels of our south campus. All students had a piece somewhere on campus.

Our music instructors kicked the event off with fantastic performances by the band and orchestra students in the front of the school. After that students, families, and friends were free to explore the rich diversity of art produced by our kids this year.

Our creative classroom teachers led a wide variety of art activities for all ages. Things like torn paper monsters, scratch art, origami, painting like Jackson Pollack, drawing like Picasso, and bubble art. There were more than that, but you get the idea:)

I saw a lot of smiling faces all night long.  Many proud students, parents, and family members. Our students do a great job in art class all year long, and it is very fulfilling to put on such a high caliber exhibit every year to showcase their hard work.

It was also a successful fundraiser for us, as there were amazing raffle baskets put together by the different grade levels, art work for sale, a cake walk, and cookie decorating. The proceeds from these events will go to our PTF so they may continue to Keep the Arts Alive at Zamorano.

Thanks goes out to everyone who made the event a success- our art team, our classroom teachers, our PTF, our administration, our volunteers, our custodial staff, and our students! Cheers to all of you! I'm looking forward to next year already:)

Below is a taste of what we do.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


This Wednesday Zamorano will put on it's annual Celebration of Art. The auditorium will be packed with original student work made throughout the year with our art team. The campus will be covered with art that was made under the guidance of our classroom teachers. Our teachers will be leading a bunch of different art activities for kids and families to try out.

But before all that happens, we need to actually set it up. Display panels and cubes were set up in the auditorium on Wednesday and we started putting work up on Thursday.

It's a lot of work, but it's also really cool to see how it all comes together:)

Monday, June 18, 2012

stained glass water towers

Tom Fruin creates stained glass structures all over. What I like about these is, of course, the play of light through them during the day and night, but what is also very cool is that he builds the whole structure with the colored glass or plexi. He doesn't limit himself to window shapes. Tom also uses reclaimed pieces of colored glass to create his structures, so he has the whole earth friendly thing going for him too:)

The 2nd grade students and I looked at this recent piece that was just installed in Brooklyn.

We talked about how he transforms ordinary structures into art by changing the materials they are built out of and how both 2d and 3d geometric shapes are present in his work.

Students and I then drew our own water towers inspired by Tom's. We drew out our pictures with a big cylinder and cone, as well as rectangles and squares. We then traced the legs of the tower with marker and filled in the front of the building closest to us. Color was added to the buildings- dark in the front and light on the ones far away.

Then I gave everyone a sheet of clear plastic, in this case old overhead projector sheets, and we traced just the cylinder and cone of the water tower. We then flipped the plastic over and added color with sharpie markers. I had them flip it to keep the markers clean.

We then cut out the "stained glass" tower and glued it in place. The kids got a kick out of the textural difference between the tower and the rest of their image.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

zamo reception at viva!

25 3rd grade students from Zamorano Fine Arts Academy had an opening reception for their art show at Viva Pops in the Normal Heights neighborhood of San Diego on June 8. Students, families, teachers, and friends were streaming in and out of the shop on Friday night. There were plenty of smiles, hugs, and fist bumps going around throughout the reception. 
The students received a free popsicle from the store owner Lisa Altmann for their hard work and creativity. A portion of sales from the opening reception will be donated to the school’s PTF to help Keep the Arts Alive!
 The project was inspired by an image by artist Lisa Congdon and the delicious pops that Lisa makes. Students focused on pattern making and creating symmetry in their designs. They also applied tints and shades to their cut paper pops to make them look 3d against the decorative pattern background of their projects.

Monday, June 11, 2012

more taggin.

The 5th graders have been completing their graffiti projects. They added color to their lettering and to the setting. Emphasis in the setting was to use light and dark colors to create 3d volume on the shapes included.

The results have been interesting. A lot of the students have realized that making cool looking tags or graffiti is harder than it looks:)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Zamo at Viva!

Tomorrow, June 8th from 5 to 7 pm there will be an opening reception at Viva Pops for our 3rd grade art show at the store.

Come out and support the creativity of the 3rd graders selected for this exhibit! The students created wonderful artworks inspired by the work of artist Lisa Congdon and the delicious popsicles of Lisa Altmann.

Each student exhibiting will receive a free popsicle and a portion of all sales during the event will be donated to Zamorano!

By the way, this is a cash only event. The store does not accept credit/debit cards for purchase.

Viva Pops
3330 Adams Avenue
San Diego Ca  92116
619 795 1080