
Friday, June 24, 2011

skeesuck san diego sun.

A local San Diego designer, Justin Skeesuck, made this image almost a year ago. So calm and peaceful. The simplicity of the color and composition works wonders. I have kept returning to it time and time again over this past year.

Perfect for a summer art lesson with kinders. We talked about Justin's image being a landscape and how it showed 3d space through value and size change. They had previously investigated space by using size change in a project based on the work of Tracy Walker.

The students got to practice cutting, gluing, and placing paper in a "sensible" place. They added simple paper shapes to create most of the landscape. The students drew out the lifeguard tower and lifeguard at the end. They could choose multiple colors in the foreground as long as they were dark or bold to contrast against the lighter background colors.

I'd like to try this as all collage sometime.

Thanks for the inspiration, Justin!


  1. Beautiful compositions.
    I like the simplicity of line.

  2. Thanks for taking an iconic style beach photo and turning it into a grat lesson for kinders.

  3. from justin-


    I just want to let you know I got your e-mail yesterday… I am deeply humbled by your willingness to take my work and create such a cool project! I really enjoyed seeing the interpretations. It really made my day and I really appreciate the heads up. I've always tried to make a point of just having “creation time” throughout my work week just to keep things fresh. And, this was one of those projects where I spent roughly 30 min. just to see what came out…

    Thanks again, and keep in touch.

    Justin Skeesuck
