
Friday, December 16, 2011

all star artist

The boy all star artist for December is Samuel Gooden. He is a 1st grader in Mrs. Schmitt's and Ms. Willis's class. Samuel does a great job coming up with inventive takes on the projects that he does in art class. There is usually something about his projects that stand out. It could be his choice of color, composition, or the detail he adds. He also has great fine motor control for a guy his age. Samuel did numerous pieces in kindergarten that blew this teacher out of the water as well. I look forward to seeing him grow as a student and as an artist in future years.

I sat down with Samuel to get his take on a few things about art.

Why do you like to make art?
It's really nice to do. It makes me feel good.

Is there a art tool that you like most?
I like all of them, but I really like colored pencils.

Is there a place where you make your best art at? Places like your family room, the kitchen, or places at school?
In the classroom. I can see what my friends are doing and I can see how you are doing it.

What is your favorite thing to make or draw?
Battle scenes.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
An artist. An awesome artist.

I think you've got the awesome part already down, Samuel! Keep up the great work in art and your other school subjects. Thanks for taking your time to answer some questions.

This is part of a series of twice monthly posts that features the work and words of one of our many talented student artists at Zamorano Fine Arts Academy. To be selected, students must be models of respect, engagement, and creativity in the art room. A boy and a girl will be showcased each month.


  1. As a Kindergarten teacher, I am always delighted to see the work of our youngest artists celebrated. Sam has a lot of natural ability and a real passion for drawing. The detail in his work is quite insightful and always puts a smile on my face. Way to go, Sam! I’m so proud of you! And kudos to you too, Mr. Masse, for another great post.

    Marietta Norman

  2. Very cool! Love your work Samuel, especially your 'inventive takes' on art projects :) from Jo and Lilly at BIG Kids Magazine in Australia

  3. Hey D,

    Sam is quite an original artist and I'm sure you have had a hand in guiding him to his success. I especially like the orange bird!

