
Thursday, July 31, 2014


So far so good!

Exciting news... our boy, who is going into 3rd grade at Zamo (gasp!) had one of his photos selected for the annual youth photography exhibit at the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego. This makes tow years in row. The theme of the show was "family". His photo captures us in the process of breaking into a friend's house...

I've picked up charcoal and chalk for the first time in a while to start a series of vintage trailer drawings. The first two are of our 2 trailers. I'll be heading over to take photos at a local trailer restoration shop for more source material.
Cecil at the beach.

Ethel and the girls in the backyard.

I've also been asked to become a contributing editor for Art and Activities magazine! Looking forward to contributing more pieces in the future:)


  1. Maybe you have done this before...I'm a little slow...but could you explain your school year to me. It seems very different from most educators.

    1. Dude, it goes something like this- we start the tuesday after labor day, have a month off in the winter, a month off in the spring, and then we get out around july 20. Modified year round schedule. I LOVE it. Ample time for recharging, family time, household projects, and planning. Supposedly, this will be the last year we are on this schedule. The school board wants to get all the schools in our district on the same schedule for financial purposes. I think they should change them all to ours!

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