Tuesday, July 19, 2016

2016 legacy mural

That's a wrap!

The 5th grade legacy mural is complete. All 6 classes left a positive mark on our school community by adding some color to one of our Zamo walls. This year's theme celebrates our Zamorano Way- Be safe. Be respectful. Be responsible.

I want to thank our administration, teachers, and community members for continuing to support our public art program. I'm already looking forward to next year as we will be honoring the 30th anniversary of the opening of the special place we call Zamorano Fine Arts Academy.

 Monday morning.

 Wednesday morning.

Last student on the wall.
 Done Thursday afternoon!

 Old man putting the date on the wall.

 Some time lapse silliness.

This year, with the help of Mr. Soria, we set up a GoPro 
and did a time lapse video of the painting process.

Special thanks also goes out to Will Walmsley, who was out there every day 
outlining, outlining, and outlining.

Friday, July 8, 2016

assembly time!

I'm wrapping up my last full week with rotation classes before moving on to mural painting with our 5ths and classes with Zamorano Way grade level winners, so I thought it would be fun to explore another digital app with our students. 

This week, kids are experimenting with the Assembly app. It's a very engaging and kids of all ages (and adults;) can have success with it. This week, 2nds, 3rds, and 5ths have all played with this app. Before starting the lesson we briefly look at a few of Josh Brill's illustrations discuss his use of computer programs when he designs. We look at his use of geometric shapes to create a wide variety of animal illustrations. 

We also revisit a couple collage projects kids have done this year. When introducing the Assembly app, I emphasize that using it is like creating a collage without the mess- no glue caps to put on, no cut paper scraps to clean up. If students don't like their design, they can delete it. They aren't wasting supplies. There is a freedom to fail present, which can be liberating for kids and adults alike.

I put together a quick tutorial video that I share with the kids that shows them the basics of shape manipulation in the app. After that, they partner up and experiment and play with multiple designs throughout the period. There are only a few rules with this project- that they work well with and respect their design teammate, they create a creature of some sort, and they must include a minimum of 11 shapes in their final design.

When teams have a design they are satisfied with, they save it in their ipad camera roll, so that I can transfer it to my computer and email their files to their classroom teachers. After saving an image, they are free to erase their design and continue experimenting. 

I love the variety of designs that have has been produced this week. There has been some great teamwork on display as well.