Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Wow. Just wow.

In honor of Martin Luther King, Zamorano held a day of service at our site to beautify our campus and to make our students' days a little brighter. One of our administrators, Kathleen Gallagher, arranged for UCSD students to volunteer at our site on Sunday morning. There were around 100 students from UCSD, plus a large number of Zamo kids, families, and teachers, who volunteered their morning.

Garden beds were redone, trashcans were painted, the kinder playground got some color, offices were labeled in creative ways, and a mural was almost completed. Everybody involved was so incredible.

Below are a number of photos of the mural painting. It was crazy to see how fast colors were added to the wall. When I do the year end legacy project with our 5th graders, the kids paint with 1" brushes to make sure they all get a chance to contribute. I designed this mural, so that most of it could be filled with 3" rollers.

3rd grade teacher, Ms. Borden, rocking some hands.

My kiddos even got in on the action.

 Grammy and grandpa got to take a well earned "break" from grand kid wrangling to add some color.

 My Jorges! Father and son were there setting up before me and stayed until the very end. The mural wouldn't look nearly as sharp without their help.

The almost completed mural. I'll finish the portrait tomorrow.

Finished! (except for touch ups:)

Here are a few photos of the other projects that were completed that day:)

Garden beds were cleaned and filled with fresh soil. The one closest to the front will be a succulent garden.

Trash bins were painted. Our site is starting breakfast in the classroom this week, so there were around 45 of these that got dressed up.

Borders of the planters in the front of the school were painted.

 Offices were labeled.

The wall around the kinder playground was painted too.

Here is a link to what UCSD had to say about the day of service:)


  1. I love that MLK mural!!! Well done!!! I've done a few school murals....I find them incredibly daunting and I'm so relieved when they're done.

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