Monday, May 30, 2011

ms. hayuk

I thought I would revisit symmetry with my 2nd graders in my last lesson with them for the school year. We had previously worked with this concept on a Nate Williams project during their winter rotation. The paintings and drawings of Brooklyn based artist Maya Hayuk were the inspiration for this new project.

Maya uses a broad palette of bold colors, bordering on neon in intensity. She also often plays with geometric shapes to make striking compositions. Many of these works are examples of symmetry, sometimes not pure, but often times in a more informal way. Maya has done murals around the world as well as smaller pieces as fine art or as illustrations/designs for magazines or commercial products.

Even though Maya's work is abstract in nature, the students could pick up on details that make her images look like "something". One of the things I like about abstract image makers like her is that they allow multiple "reads" of their work and kids can come up with some very interesting interpretations.

After checking out some of her work the students were tasked with making their own symmetrical compositions using geometric shapes and bright colors. I modeled how to go about building the abstract image using a variety of shapes and sizes. I made clear that they were to come up with their own image and that I would not be featuring any on the blog that were copies of what I had modeled for them.

They then added color with my favorite drawing tool this year- construction paper crayons.

Students that finished early could read in my mini library or they could contribute a couple pieces to a larger Maya Hayuk inspired canvas. Students from multiple classes added pieces to this bigger composition.

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