Tuesday, April 15, 2014

spring break.

Entering our 3rd week of spring break. One more to go after this! For those of you that are not aware, Zamorano is on a modified year round schedule. We have 4 weeks in the winter, 4 in the spring, and 6 in the summer. I love our schedule. It provides plenty of time to recharge, reflect, and plan.

During these breaks I always think I will do more blog updates than I ever do. I have been disappointed with myself about this in the past, but I have come to realize that it's important for me to take a bit of a break from blog writing during these times as well. Just like with teaching, when I come back to it I feel fully charged and enthused about the process.

This break I have done some drawing, although not the type I thought I would be doing. I have had the time to hang out with my family and I have continued to play with dolls:) So much, in fact, that I decided to put a little book together using Blurb. It's over 40 pages of photos I've taken of "my son's" Star Wars action figures at various locations in and around socal.

I'm stoked to get my copy in the mail in a week or so. If it looks cool, I'm going to make it available as an actual book and as an ebook. Stay tuned...


  1. That's so cool, Don - what a great idea to put them in book form. I am seriously envious of your schedule. We are still on the traditional calendar and I would love to have a shorter summer and more breaks - would be good for all of our health!

  2. That Star Wars book is going to be so cool! I have always been resistant to the idea of a year round schedule. But when you spelled it out: 4 weeks in winter, 4 in spring and 6 in summer...well that sounds very appealing. Enjoy the rest of your break!
